Whole30 Grumbles (so far)

  • "I found this creamer by California farms that's like half coconut cream and half almond milk that is compliant so I grabbed that. You should have seen me reading a million different labels this morning!!"
    *Reading label after label is a real thing when doing whole30 - you look like a crazy person at the store picking up and putting down item after item.*
  • "Do you think we can have juice? I've read mixed reviews."
  • "I guess it's because it's not something a caveman could find?"
  • "Cavemen, who needs 'em?! Also the office is ordering pizza tomorrow so I'll have to avoid the break room for a solid 2 hours..."
  • "Also I'm cheating with gum because IDGAF."
  • "Wait. I just read the whole30 like meal planning thing or whatever and apparently you're not supposed to snack? Missed that memo."
  • "I need to buy more protein...."
  • "If only we could have dairy!!!"
  • "I had a shrimp salad for lunch and I'm still so hungry."